Let me get complaining about the weather out of the way first…
I do not like rain, unless I am curled up with popcorn, a movie, a blanket and my boyfriend, which is sadly not the case.
Summer, where art thou?
Anywhooo, back to shoes!
I bought these a while ago from Legit, it was part of the Toya Delazy collection. Who doesn’t love some black leather and studs?
Because the strap of this heel is not too high on the ankle, it works well with a dress as well as jeans. I find some strappy heels can cut off the ankle, making my already short legs look shorter! This is quite comfortable, I have worn it a couple of times, and it can be used all year round, which is great, since the weather is currently a bit confused!
Remember to check out Shop My Stash tomorrow, I have some goodies from The Balm and The Body Shop!