On Friday night my boyfriend and I attended two fashion shows at Hyde Park in Johannesburg. The first show was hosted by Glamour magazine and featured collections from Jenni Button, Country Road, Lacoste and Trenery to name a few. The second show was the Porsche Design show, which featured items available at the Porsche Design store in Hyde Park. The venue at Hyde Park Corner
The food 🙂
Firstly, who knew McCullagh & Bothwell didn’t just sell school uniforms 😛
These are some of my favourite looks from the Glamour Show:
Country Road
Jenni Button
Jenni Button
Jenni Button
See by Chloe
And then my favourite from the Porsche Design Collection
The Porsche Design show was only ten minutes long, and for a R200 ticket (luckily we didn’t have to pay), I do not think it was worth it, considering there was no goodie bag, except a magazine and a chocolate.
The Glamour show on the other hand had an amazing goodie bag, including some Lancome mini products, a Glamour Hair mag, Fred Tsuya arm candy, chocolate and some other little goodies.
It was an extremely fun night, and I wish I could upload all my pictures and videos.