A Self Care Ritual

The words Self Care have been buzzing around recently, and in such a crazy-busy world, I can understand why. Family, work and other responsibilities have taken over our lives, with little to no time dedicated to ourselves. So, today I am sharing A Self Care Ritual with you, in an effort to inspire you to take some time out for you, whether it is for a relaxing bath, a face mask and mani combo, or even a nap.

Self care ritual

What Does Self Care Mean To You?

For me it would be a relaxing bath, something I hardly ever do, as I am always in a rush and a quick shower is all I can manage. The best part about a bath, is that you get to add all sorts of lotions and potions, and in this case the *Dr Salts Himalayan Bath Salts with 84 beneficial minerals that cleanses and detoxifies the body, and promotes natural healing. My body felt so relaxed after bathing in this, as if I had just had a massage. My muscles felt less stiff, and my neck and shoulders less tense.

After a bath my favourite thing to do is slather myself in a lovely scented body butter. I found this Fennel Peach Vanilla one from Dischem, and it smells so luxurious but is so affordable! It is hydrating without being greasy, and is a brand I will continue to buy.

A Self Care Ritual with Dr Salts

I have developed a potentially unhealthy obsession with scented candles. From the more affordable to the obscenely expensive, I love them all. This Spicy Wood & Vanilla Scented Candle from Cotton On is seriously impressive for the price. It has a lovely spicy, cosy scent, perfect for winter, it doesn’t tunnel and the scent fills a room. I also love the glass packaging, with the wooden lid, I love candles with lids. One of my favourite things to do when I get home from work, as well as over the weekend is light a scented candle. It just creates such a calm atmosphere.

One of my simple pleasures is a luxury scented bar of soap, it is so unnecessary but just makes me feel so happy. This *Frangipani & Ylang one from Morlage & York is amazing. It is not drying at all, smells amazing, and Frangipani is my absolute favourite scent. It is also significantly bigger than other bar soaps, which is a major plus for me.

Morlage and York Soap

When I think of A Self Care Ritual, the first picture that comes to mind is someone using a face mask with cucumber slices over the eyes. Just me? I split face masks into three broad groups; sheet masks, normal masks and overnight masks. I use sheet masks when I have ten minutes to just lie down with my eyes closed doing nothing, but I also use them when I don’t have more than ten minutes, as thankfully it requires no washing off. Normal masks are reserved for when I have other tasks to do and I can just slap them on my face and continue with my day, although they do take quite a bit of time to remove, especially clay based ones, so I do need to have enough time to remove it. The last type, and probably my favourite are overnight masks, the ones that are applied before bed, don’t mess your pillow and work while you sleep, and when you wake up, your skin is plump, supple and hydrated.

I also love 2 in 1 masks, and both of the masks featured today are multi-taskers! The Soap & Glory Fab Pore 2 in 1 Pore Purifying Mask & Peel leaves my skin unbelievable refined and clean, without feeling tight or stripped. I don’t think this mask would work too well on sensitive skins, but on mine I love it.

If sheet masks are more your thing, I have The Skin Republic 2 Step Face Mask. The first step is a fruit enzyme exfoliant that is massaged into the skin for one minute to eliminate dry and dull skin, and to prepare the skin for the sheet mask. The second step is a sheet mask infused with hyaluronic acid and collagen to smooth, plump and nourish the skin. After using this mask duo my skin looked brighter, thanks to the exfoliants, and plumper and more supple thanks to the hyaluronic acid.

Soap and glory fab pore

Do you have A Self Care Ritual?

*Press Sample

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This Post Has 34 Comments

  1. Yasmina Magdy

    It’s so important to take some time out to look after yourself and what better way then with a mini pamper night. I usually opt for a bubble bar from Lush or some nice bubble bath and a face mask 🙂 xx

    Yasmina | The July Journal

  2. Terri Heckley

    It’s been a while since I’ve used bath salts! This sounds like such a relaxing setup x

  3. shelley

    my self care is definitely keeping up my skincare routine

  4. Kelly-Anne

    Self care is so important and something we should all be doing more of. I love this idea.

  5. Adrienne

    I don’t have a self care routine at the moment but I really should x

  6. Alice Fairweather

    Self-care is so important, to me its about pampering myself and taking time for me! x

  7. Lauren

    I haven’t used bath salts for a while now. I seem to have replaced them for bath bombs now instead. Perhaps I should start using them again x

  8. Sarah

    there is no such thing as an unhealthy obsession with scented candles!!

  9. Alice Spake

    I always here such good things about bath salts but haven’t tried them myself because I always use bath bombs! Will have to get a big bag xx

  10. Gemma Louise

    I love a good face mask it’s so relaxing and the perfect end to a day!

  11. Issy Belle Fox

    self care for me is making sure I have time to put my face on when I feel like it so I feel like me and not just a milk feeding burping machine x

  12. Simone Cameron

    Also becoming obsessed with scented candles. I bought a small Yankee one…but can’t bring myself to burn it. lol

  13. Erin

    I so wish I had a bath! To me its all about a coffee and a wander around town 🙂

    Erin || MakeErinOver

  14. Laura Kroczek

    I do love a good pamper evening! I haven‘t tried bath salts in so long though, those ones you have sound so good! Xx

  15. bekylou

    I love taking a moment for ‘me’. having a baby to run around after is tiring and having a bath in peace or a moment to have a face mask is just amazing

  16. Cole

    I love taking the time out for a bit of self care! Xx

  17. Thuraya Alhourani

    I love to use salt crystals in my bath! Makes it feel so therapeutic & I also. Love that soap and glory mask! X

  18. Shalane

    I love this post. I am not usually one for baths but I would love to try these Salts.

  19. Maisie

    I’ve still not tried sheet masks but I’d love to! Sounds like a great ritual! x

  20. Lady Writes

    I love this, having a pamper is deffo the best way for me x

  21. R Fourie

    That sounds wonderful. I just never have time for such a pampering evening 🛀

  22. Beautylymin

    A bath using aromatherapy oils, a face mask and scented candles all do it for me too! That’s what I call a pamper session! xx

    Beautylymin| SummerBodyPrepBundleGiveaway

  23. Siobhan Yeatman

    This is definitely the kind of thing I’m doing this evening. I love these self care moments!
    I plan on a bath, a pedicure and face mask, and maybe a bit of body scrub and teeth whitening too. Love having time to pamper, and tonight is the night!


  24. Candice

    I would love to take a bath! Haven’t had one in ages, months to be exact

    Candice | Natalya Amour

  25. Waydee Pregnolato

    Thank you sharing your thoughts… I try at least once a week a pamper night for myself.. In winter a person gets lazy 🙈… But I try and stick to it .. and burn scented candles..just to make me relax 🙏🙏🙏

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