July First Impressions

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Today I am sharing my July First Impressions with you... This *Lux Sheer Twilight Body Wash smells amazing, if there was a body cream and fragrance I would jump at it. I even bought a backup, just in case it disappears soon, as all good things do! This is my favourite scent of the bunch, although there are two others that smell pretty nice too. The Human + Kind Family Remedy Cream is a saviour, it can be used for anything, but I am loving it for dry skin recently. It has a sweet citrus/lemon scent, maybe like a mojito,…

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The Simple and Affordable Remedy for Dry Itchy Skin

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This winter has been harsh on my skin, and to be honest I haven't been that kind to it either. Lack of energy, paired with the cold meant laziness, heaters, hot showers and dry air was the order of the day. Also, is it just me, or is moisturising during winter the worst activity ever? I just want to pull on my warm onesie, soft skin be damned. Although I can't say I was that bad, I still moisturised at least every second day and most of the time it was every day, but still my skin was not happy. But I…

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