October First Impressions

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Today I am sharing my October First Impressions with you... As you can see, orange is the shade of the moment... MAC Freshen Up is not at all a highlighting powder, but works well as a coral illuminating blush. I like to swirl all the colours together. I am not entirely impressed by this, but will give it a few more tries. MAC Hipness Blush is a really pretty pink blush. It is very subtle but can be built up for more pigmentation. I have already featured the LA Girl Color Balm and Colourpop Lippie Stix in Chi Chi in…

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August First Impressions

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Happy Spring! It is time for my August First Impressions, a wrap up of all the products I have tried this past month! First up I have this *mio Double Buff dual action enzyme exfoliator, and let me tell you, my skin has never felt softer. It has the same amazing signature scent as the other mio products I have tried. But the thing that really impressed me was how fine the scrub is, it is so dense and gritty that it almost feels like The Body Shop's Vitamin C Microdermabrasion but for your body. I have never found such…

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June First Impressions

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Hi Ladies It is time for my June First Impressions. I feel like I didn't try as many products in June as I usually do, which is probably due to the fasting month as well as the cold of winter. But, I did still try quite a few, and some have truly won me over. Let's start with skincare, haircare and bodycare and then move onto some makeup! I have been using the *REN Instant Brightening Beauty Shot Eye Lift every morning for the past two weeks, and I am loving it. I have a full review coming soon, so…

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